Reviews of Residenz Tamara in Sölden - Ötztal

Our guests tell of their vacation at Residenz Tamara in Ötztal.

We could tell you so much about the incomparable holiday feeling that attracts many guests to our hotel and apartment hotel in Sölden at the heart of Ötztal. But we think our guests can do it even better. That is why we have summarized our hotel and apartment reviews in Sölden here. Find out what other guests liked very much about Sölderhof and Residenz Tamara, and feel free to write a review yourself after your stay. Sölderhof and Residenz Tamara will always remain an extraordinary hotel & apartment house in Ötztal - which touches, inspires and enchants with unobtrusive charm and wide panoramas: a place to conquer mountains. In summer, autumn and winter.